When crafting as a hobby or putting together new clothes, you may come across a conundrum: when should I sew and when should I glue?
Both have their merits but they are not often interchangeable. For example, if you are looking for clothes to wear on an everyday basis, glue may not stand the test of time like a good thread would.
Under what circumstances should you use each method?
Glue is best
for embellishing clothing or making crafts. It is easier and quicker to put
something together with your children when you have a tube of glue to hand!
You may prefer to sew when making crafts yourself or for making a new item of clothing out of old garments.
Glue is also great for holding items in place temporarily before you sew them.
Have a look at the following article for some fantastic ideas on when to use fabric glue or sew.
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